Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Spiritual Growth and Spiritual Transformation Renews Your Mind

What makes Negro Negro spiritual growing and spiritual transmutation have got to make with a renewed mind? Everything, especially if our desire is to go more than like Christ.

Before beginning a human relationship with Jesus Of Nazareth Christ, we have got a natural mind. A natural head is simply the head we are born with. There's nothing incorrect with a natural mind. It assists us to associate to our human race through what we see, feel, taste, touch, and smell. But one of the restrictions of a natural head is that it cannot accept or understand the occult things of God.

A occult head is our natural head empowered by God's Holy Place Spirit. He learns us and assists us understand the things of God. The major difference between the natural head and the occult head is that we are not born with God's Holy Place Spirit. Only when we accept Jesus Of Nazareth Jesus by religion into our Black Maria are we given the Holy Place Spirit. At that instance, we are born again supernaturally. God's Holy Place Spirit takes and ushers us in our human relationship with Supreme Being as we obey God's Word.

As a college grad, I did not cognize the difference between the natural and the supernatural, nor was I concerned about it. Normally, I could read and understand what I read. But no substance how difficult Iodine tried, I could not understand the Book when I read it. As a result, I focused on hearing what others said about the Book rather than reading it myself. This eliminated my defeat and allowed me to make other things that I liked.

There was only one job with those other things that I liked. They did nil for my Negro spiritual growth. Only after I began my human relationship with Supreme Being through Jesus Of Nazareth Jesus did I get to turn spiritually and understand the Bible. For me, apprehension the Book allowed me to go unfastened to receiving, accepting, and obeying God's Word.

When I read Ephesians 4:23 - "to be made new in the mental attitude of your minds" - I understood it. My interior conflict of justifying my actions that were against God's Word disappeared. I was free to encompass the truths of Scripture. The renewing procedure started when I believed in Jesus Of Nazareth and goes on to this day. As I turn spiritually and obey what I learn, I cognize my head is being renewed daily.

The grounds of a renewed head is no longer thinking or acting as I did before I began my human relationship with Jesus Of Nazareth Christ. Mentally, I am free from some old wonts that enslaved me. Arsenic I go on to turn spiritually, I look forward to being released from other habits.

Are you being freed from some habits, addictions, or desires that clasp you in mental bondage? If you have got accepted Jesus Of Nazareth as Godhead and Savior, your head will be renewed as you turn spiritually. When you take to obey God's Word, Bible goes alive in your bosom and spirit and transmutation begins.

A renewed head is grounds of Negro Negro spiritual growing and spiritual transformation. Those who knew you previously will definitely detect the difference in you. Great! Continue growing spiritually and becoming more than than Christ-like in all you make and say.

Becoming God's Vessel of Honor gives more penetration on Negro Negro spiritual growing and spiritual transformation.

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