Friday, September 7, 2007

Faith Healing and the Catholic Church - Introductory Summary

Everyone is concerned with what is called in a derogative way,
the "Heath and Wealth Gospel" or "Name It and Claim It". I
believe that there makes be a sexual perversion of the Biblical
instructions concerning wellness and prosperity. I am concerned
that warnings about the sexual perversion might be construed as
presenting the Gospel as one of desperation and no hope.

We all really cognize that true healing is the healing of one's
spirit and psyche based on God's complete forgiveness of all our
sinfulnesses and short comings. We also all really cognize that true
wealth are peace with Supreme Being and our chap adult male and that no one
is really mediocre who have friends.

St. Frances of Assisi took a vow of poorness and went preaching
the Gospel. He did this by renouncing the wealthiness of his
household which was substantial. He also founded an Holy Place Order
that had this vow of poorness be one of the principle
attributes. Certainly St. Frances followed our Godhead who "for
your interest became poor". [2 Cor 8:9]

Certainly, becoming a homeless individual person is not the end any of
us would desire for our children. Neither would we wish cancer
nor any other deathly disease upon them. On the contrary, we
force our children to make well in school and hopefully postgraduate from
a good college. We also supply the best medical attention we can

The message of the Catholic Church is that Supreme Being loves us his
children as we make our children.

Yes the Church makes acknowledge the possibility that you could be
ill and or in poorness because of sinfulness in your life. But that
would be the easiest job to overcome. Repentance takes
only that fraction of a minute it takes to verbalize your sin
in penitence to God. And if your sinfulness is serious or mortal,
the Church have got the Sacrament of Reconciliation to guarantee you
of entire forgiveness from God.

Of course, if you would rather dwell in sinfulness than to repent and
have God's forgiveness, then you might as well bury about
the remainder of this document.

This written written document makes not cover with the "wealth" portion of "health
and wealth".

I don't talk for the Catholic Church but the Catechism of the
Catholic Church (CCC) does. I cite the CCC and follow the
footers which are often linked to Scripture. I propose the
reader have got available both the CCC and his/her Book and see
whether my mental representations are correct.

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